At our last Club meeting of the Rotary year on June 24, outgoing Club President Brent Adams reviewed highlights of Club activities of the year, presented Club Awards and passed the President’s pin to incoming 2019-2020 President Greg Davis.
Highlights for the year included:
Achieving $1MM in giving to the Rotary International Foundation
Being awarded the District Governor’s Citation
Sponsoring the World Polio Day Celebration at the CDC in October
Raising a record amount of money at our Foundation Ball
Gaining 17 new Club members, including 8 female community leaders
Initiating a new Signature Project with the Latin American Association
Sharing our Club year with Catharina and Laura, our international students
Providing two work days at Hillside and several members to speak throughout the year at Hillside’s STEAM lecture series
Holding our annual Apple Polishing - the project that garners the most support from Club members
Enjoying fellowship with great Club socials throughout the year, a festive Holiday Party; a beautiful Foundation Ball and a fun outdoor Spring Party
Improving Club communication with a new monthly newsletter